zenmail email-pipe.com

public email pipe to server post

>>>sends your email to your 'form post' receiver file

>>>ie: let's show you an exact example:
>>>shangrilatimes's 'post' (receive post forms) is:


>>>so the emails are redirected here as:


>>>(the 'http://' is not needed and ':' are not actually valid on emails by themselves)

>>>email pipe gathers the whole email, escapes (urlencodes) it,
>>>locates the address (the first part ov the email address to here)
>>>checks to see there is actually a file there:
>>>then calls the file as a 'post':

>>>the 'form post' has 2 parts:
>>>'referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.email-pipe.com' (urlencoded) and



>>>so say they call mike@rad-domain.com
>>>on mikes redirect catch all goes to

>>>this is a public service


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